Tag: mmorpg new 2023

  • Update v0.1.2 has been released today

    Update v0.1.2 has been released today

    Exciting news for all Herodonia players! The free to play mmorpg game’s latest release, alpha v0.1.2, is now available and comes with several adjustments. Here are some of the notable changes and additions included in this version of our free to play mmorpg: The attack formula has been adjusted. This means players will now have […]

  • New game version v0.1.1

    New game version v0.1.1

    ,Exciting news for Herodonia players! Our online game mmorpg beta version release is coming in 2023! The latest version, v0.1.1, has just been released. This means that we are another milestone closer to game beta version release which is surely ongoing and will happen in summer 2023. Here are some of the key updates and […]